Penyakit Bisul adalah salah satu penyakit yang membuat penderitanya sangat menderita sebab biasanya penyakit bisul itu disertai dengan suhu tubuh yang tinggi atau agak demam.Dan penyakit bisulan merupakan penyakit yang timbul karena adanya infeksi pada kulit dengan ciri-ciri timbulnya benjolan kemerahan pada kulit. Kemudian membesar hingga mata nanah berwarna putih terlihat di tengah-tengah benjolan dan tentunya rasa panas dan nyeri disekitar bisul menyertai penyakit ini. BLOGGER INDONESIA: Ikatlah Ilmu Dengan Menuliskannya . Penyakit Bisul biasanya terjadi pada bagian lipatan tubuh seperti pada ketiak atau lipatan pangkal paha namun bisa juga terjadi pada bagian permukaan kulit lainnya seperti pantat muka leher atau bagian lainnya. Penyakit Bisul Mencegah dan Cara Pengobatannya itulah yang saya angkat untuk tema artikel saya kali ini.Rasanya kangen juga karena blog ini lama tidak saya update disebabkan kesibukan yang saya hadapi di tempat saya bekerja kembali ke ...
Article HealthI totally agree! I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in January of 1984... over 26 years ago... and chose to use alternative means of healing rather than 'wider excision, and possibly radiation...using diet, spiritual mind treatments, etc. It was the best choice I could possibly have made, and it's taken me on quite a journey visit : Tips Sport For Health. Being 'uninsurable due to pre-existing condition' can be a benefit if you choose to take responsibility for your own healing. Even though I knew about raw foods and was on a 'transitional diet' of 50-60% raw for several years, I still wasn't eating a predominantly raw alkaline diet... and wound up with something called 'inverse psoriasis'... for which I am deeply grateful because it led me to Dr. Young... and a much deeper understanding of the power of a predominantly alkaline diet... and the realization that raw diets aren't necessarily alkaline or even healthy just because they are raw. It only took a week or two of following a strict alkaline diet for the horrible deep red sometimes bleeding psoriasis rash to totally heal. It's not 'cured' but is typically in a state of total remission... UNLESS I decide to 'eat widely' ... with too many acidic foods Tips Kesehatan. The moment I see the rash begin to appear in the first of many places it formerly appeared on my body, I immediately go back to a highly alkaline diet... lots of green smoothies... zero sugar and refined grain products and combos... and the rash/psoriasis magically disappears within a day or two. How cool it is to have a plainly visible 'indicator' or 'danger signal' ... warning me of the acidity of my body... and even cooler to see how alkalizing ALWAYS makes it disappear. And in the process, I return to a much calmer and clearer state of mind. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world knew what I've come to find out... and what so many like me know as well.Someday... hopefully soon... we will reach a 'critical mass' ... and the whole world will know. ...Thanks Dr. Young and Shelley for continuing to speak out Article Health.
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